605. 种花问题
title: 2021-01-02 toc: true date: 2021-01-02 23:00:00 tags: diary
Live aids
看了一早上1985年那场的,这样群星云集的时刻真的不会再有了。。。英国现在衰败成什么样子。 令我惊讶的是,麦当娜居然是那个年代的人。我原以为她只比斯威夫特大一点点的。
Station to station
title: 2021-01-03 toc: true date: 2021-01-03 23:00:00 tags: diary
1896 年,哈代又拿着奖学金进入了剑桥。然而,积蓄已久的问题就在这个时候爆发了。在有意无意之间,哈代开始思考一个问题——如果数学只是一种计分竞赛,以它为业奉献一生是否太蠢?
其实和现在也差不多嘛,昨天看邻人之妻 中美国50年代对性的压抑也让人非常陌生,原来我们熟悉的这种文明模式并没有太久的历史啊。
name | you | yes |
yestd | thant | his |
aksjhdak | ksjdck | that |
ksjdhkj | jdskj | kjhdskj |
khdskjh | jkhdfjksh | kfjhk |
kdskj | kjfdkj | kfskj |
jkfdkj | jkfdkj | kjfhdkj |
kjfdkjh | kfhkjhs | kjhfdkjh |
kjhfkjhk | khjsdk | khkjfh |
kjdshk | kjdk | sdjjka |
ksdjk | kjdkjs | jfnkjsn |
这个就很没道理,把所有文件都放在一个文件夹里面,excuse me?
title: 2021-01-04 toc: true date: 2021-01-04 23:00:00 tags: diary
我又打了一个l,这在zsh 上代表显示所有的隐藏文件ls -al的缩写。这下输出了一堆文件名,都是windows内部的表示,链接成功了。
通常人们的婚纱照的遗憾是完全不像自己,但这全是朝着好的方向去,胖子变瘦,mediocre 变 gorgeous,这倒没什么。
这。。。乍一看是很前卫很进步是了,但是如果性别互换的话(这貌似就进入了一种非常俗套的NTR 情节之中),我想(至少就我个人来说)是完全不能接受的,也很难理清中间的伦理问题。
的确,戈尔茨坦在好几个图书馆的性百科全书里查过相关条目以后发现,只要用到舌头都被政府正式定义为淫秽行为,属于鸡奸的一种,即使夫妻之间私下里这么做,在美国大多数州也是违法的。在康涅狄克州,口交犯罪可被判处服刑30年;在俄亥俄州是20年。在佐治亚州,这种“违背自然的犯罪”可能会导致终身监禁和苦工一一比和动物性交的处罚严重许多,后者在佐治亚州只会被判刑5年。 禁止口交的法律显然是从宗教法令发展而来。自中世纪起,基督教法律就认定这些与繁衍无关的活动是不自然的,而实际上,从有文字记载以来,就有无数人自然地实践着这一行为。公元前200年的中国卷轴上就有此类图画,在古代东方的饭碗、花瓶和鼻烟壶上也都有类似绘画。印度古代的神庙里就发现了呈此姿势的雕像;生活在公元1世纪的罗马讽刺作家尤维纳利斯也多次提到,认为这些行为在异性恋和同性恋中都十分常见。中世纪的教会对那些承认口交的人施以严厉的处罚,也促使没承认的人感到罪恶,可背地里,人们对此的爱好几百年来有增无减,不过很少有人公开描绘这种行为,除了被禁的绘画和文学,比如18世纪的小说《芬妮·希尔》以及亨利·米勒饱受审查的作品。
看了一篇关于1985年Live Aid 的文章:https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv6795354
Band Aid基金会的工作就是审查来自6个非洲国家,需要用钱的600多个提案,一部分资金由乐施会和联合国儿童基金会接收,他们开着卡车护送水和食物到一些难民营,一部分的资金和物资被提供给了当地政权,许多人发出批评。音乐杂志SPIN1986年和2016年都发布文章,指责BandAid的资金被滥用,救灾效果远不如预期,并要求Geldolf本人回应——但他从未向SPIN提供任何资料。
如果Geldolf 看过《饥荒政治~与苏联的比较研究》的话(当然,这是不可能的),他可能会意识到饥荒在康密国家有时候是一种政策。
就在Live Aid 召开前夜,物资分配还无法进行,大量的救援物资卡在船上,负责运输的卡车司机开出天价,十万吨粮食被堆在码头腐烂了。而优先卸载的是苏联的军火。
一些反资本主义的评论,批评BandAid/ LiveAid现象是一种徒有其表的作秀,希望引起人们对世界贫穷和饥饿的真正经济政治原因的关注。
因此,物品的实际用途不再重要,它们沦为了承载意义的符号。 鲍德里亚《物体系》
作者:瓦夏Official https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv6795354 出处: bilibili
Francisco Marin@fachymarin
很喜欢这种 glory 的感觉。
title: 2021-01-05 toc: true date: 2021-01-05 23:00:00 tags: diary
这是一套初中的生物卷子,那道大题更像是一篇英语阅读理解,考的是如何用matlab 仿真细胞核内部的某些活动。
网速好慢,贼费劲,为什么arch 没有一个安装简单点的版本?
title: 2021-01-06 toc: true date: 2021-01-06 23:00:00 tags: diary
一切都在流动之中,随时要保持更新,emacs虽然活了50多年,但是十年前机器上的emacs 就装不上现在的插件。
这不禁让我陷入了一种dilemma 之中,我想不出怎样一种体面的方式来回应。
title: 2021-01-07 toc: true date: 2021-01-07 23:00:00 tags: diary
重新开始EMACS 之旅
先从用EMACS 写日记开始。 用VIM输入中文的体验实在是太不友好了!当然如果是用印欧语系作为母语的话自然是很方便的(在各种层面上)
第一步是将大写键和ctr 交换,当然,我曾经在emacs内部用evil 模式用过一阵儿,但是后来我意识到这是得不偿失的,还不如直接用vim 算了,再说修改过的键盘映射只对normal 模式起作用,visual 模式还是原生的hjkl。
Oh, just a few minutes I've give up such an idea and decided to write in English using vim.
brew uninstall emacs
Group assignment
This time we need to build a distributed date system which means that not only do I have to do all the work just like what I did before, but also my workload has been tripled (help all the members to config their machine)
You may say that you can write some shell scripts to automatically do all the same work in different machines, but there is always some problems you need to solve manually.
Really shit design and its official doc is outdated! You will always end up messing up every global paths (why they are so many?) in the end.
And, if the basic set up could all be done automatically, why it takes us to edit the config file manually?
Global news
Scaring... every time you 'climb' over the wall, there is only bad news.
SVM Classification
I hope the professor will only consider the simplest example of its application. Can't imagine I could solve it by hand in the final.
title: 2021-01-08 toc: true date: 2021-01-08 23:00:00 tags: diary
A combination of The Promised Neverland && Tenet.
A group of kids try to escape from an island and I was the leader of the escape group.
Caught during the check point, sent back to 3 days ago.
Writing Latex
Vscode latex extension has reach to a point where you can't find a better or easier tool to write a report.
But why it takes so long to compile a simple 20 pages doc?
Couldn't they develop a way to only compile the page you are currently editing? I think it shouldn't be too hard since it is cascade.
Anyway, after writing the lab report, my ridiculous internship was finally over (which is a complete waste of time for most people)
sudo rm -rf ./*
title: 2021-01-09 toc: true date: 2021-01-09 23:00:00 tags: diary
Hanging around...
That's nothing, but being caught hanging around is quit another thing.
I think until today, in my deepest subconsciousness, Idleness is still an immoral life style.
What a shame.
So that means as long as we never write out those names, 'god' will keep the machine running?
Anyway, it seems that his short story will always end at the peak of story.
Proof of Apriori property of Apriori algorithm
Is that really true?
Although there is a symbolized logical proof, but obviously if I can give out an example of a certain thing that people normally wouldn't buy it alone but quite often they would buy it with another thing...
One of the good things about having ins is that almost every photographer has an account here.
Love her photos, seen them several times on weibo, and I was like:"why don't we follow her on ins?"
title: 2021-01-10 toc: true date: 2021-01-10 23:00:00 tags: diary
Rewrite the RCfile
Reorganized my .rc file today.
My last internship experience told me: if you want to be nimble, you must stay simple.( OMG this is the first rhyme I've ever written)
So I broke my vimrc into 5 parts, each links to each other.
If you got a rush job, just upload the simplest main file, it will give you the decent features to move quickly and adapt to your special operation.
This is all without the need of any third party plugins, all functions are built inside the vim itself.
However, if your are not so hurry, you might want some fancy colorsheme, autocompletion, or execute your program asynchronously, then you will need some plugins (actually they are just some vim files)
They will be sourced below the main file and call the plugins in .config/ file.
Another big improvement is that I finally find the bug in zshrc that cause some Linux (actually most of them) displaying the annoying "shop not fond! " or "fatal (BIG RED CHARACTER) ! key-binding xxx " warn when you log in.
Now every thing works fine enough.
But it makes me wonder: I have already spend tons of time on Linux, is that legal if I don't live on that in the future? I mean primarily, It's no different to those teenagers who're addicted to the video games, right?
I have to say that, despite being criticized by various doctrines of later ages, Freud‘s book still makes sense to me (it was reasonable!)
And most importantly, if you read from his words, you will find him a really nice gentleman especially when it comes to sex and feminism problems. I used to think he was very conservative, but he in fact wasn't at all.
TOOOOOOOO Many people stuck inside preparing for the final exam.
Hard to find any 'innocent' seat in the afternoon.
Actually I really don't think we need a 'Library', most of the book inside will never be read at all!
Look at what they have: a whole collection of CEREAL series, pamphlets in the 80's that reveals party scandal (Why they are not smashed or banned? And why in that time such book could be published?)
We only need a big room with heating that allow us to do exercise inside, it seems that is what library for.
What a shame
The Coldest Winter of 20th Century
Sounds bluffing...
title: 2021-01-11 toc: true date: 2021-01-11 23:00:00 tags: diary
I had wanted to buy a cup of milk tea actually, but unfortunately the milk tea shop won't open in the morning.
It's very bitter, I put a whole bag of sugar in it, but it doesn't even salve it a bit.
Coffee is never a good replacement of milk tea.
Ok, 5 hours before the final exam, I finally get it.
It is so simple actually.
But my math now is way toooooo shit now, I almost forget everything. I have to somehow make up it in the winter vacation.
Speaking of winter vacation, all my classmates doubt the next time we come back would probably be the graduate day due to the coronavirus.
OMG, amazing!
石腾帅 is one of my favorite ( mxxfucker when I write 'favourite', vim spell checker always displays the annoying red alert, but I never ever see anyone uses 'favorite' ) content creator, His previous works have been very insightful, but now he just shoot some fancy stuffs just like others. Anyway his aesthetic taste and filming skills are doubtless among the top ( maybe I was bit of exaggerating)
What this video amazed me is that it is actually an ads, it's shoot by vivo X60!
But if I don't say that, you will find it no different from those shoot by old film cameras, just like what he did before.
Photography is never about the equipment, but the man who is using the equipment.
Final exam on DM
Are you fxxking sure ?!
During the final...
I : Professor, could you please give us the variance and the mean of this problem?
P : You can use your calculator if you want.
I : I understand, but, calculating the variance and mean of two 17 and four 8 numbers with three decimal places might be a bit difficult for normal people...
P : Well, if you don't want to calculate the exact number, you could use a character to represent.
I : And this, why do you let us solve the SVM problem which contains SIX points? It is impossible!
P: No problem with that, you can do it
I : Seriously?
Let me explain what SIX points means in SVM.
Basically you need to work out this Lagrange multiplier expression, and you fix the in it , take the partial of and , set it equal to zero.
substituted the above results back into , So you get:
If you only have 2 points, the thing is quite simple, you only need to solve this 2x2 matrix:
But if n = 6, that matrix will expand to an almost ridiculous 6x6 size !
That means you can never solve the equation after you take the derivative of the next equation next line.
婚姻生活 Bed.and.Board.1970.PROPER.1080p.BluRay.x264-PHOBOS.mkv
So true, so cruel!
I never see any form of content that did such a frank revelation.
Something in our life we may know or not but we tell anyone including ourselves, we don't dare to think about that maybe, it is like a 'deep state' of our life.
title: 2021-01-12 toc: true date: 2021-01-12 23:00:00 tags: diary
The US military has been given the authority to shoot at any time as it has poured more troops into Washington D.C
But this time, the brave U.S people all have guns.
Let's see what the founding fathers had wrote in the constitution as the last resolve for people to stand up against tyranny will work!
It is unacceptable, under any circumstances, to deprive people of their right of expression.
Freedom is such a precious thing that never come easily from heaven. It is something that each of us has to fight for it, sometimes even bleeding is necessary.
God bless all the people who believe in truth and justice, whether they are united or alone, strong or weak. Truth is never measured by its volume nor does it kowtows to ones interest. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Whether you support or hate Trump, when booing and fraud happen, we should all stand firmly and do the right thing.
title: 2021-01-13 toc: true date: 2021-01-13 23:00:00 tags: diary
Career planning
Classmate watching auti-PinDuoDuo video.
I: You see, it is not as crowded as you previously thought.
He: Yeah, I thought 1,000 people sitting in a room is unacceptable before.
But anyway, I won't work there, It is almost a trade of life for money.
I: Yes indeed, but where do you want to work in the future?
He: I will probably go to Saudi Arabia next year, one of my uncle is a professor in Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is disgusted with the low wages in Beijing and plans to work to Saudi Arabia. He promised to bring me together.
I: Oh, that is a controversial place.
He: It's Ok, half a million a year, after all.
I: You sure it's not a drug business?
He: Come on, drug business will be half a billion...And, to be clear, I am a person with principle.
Also called "国付宝"
What an art of its name is.
Never imagine this is going to happen: Party needs foreign force to balance its domestic capitalist.
"Use pigeon"
Mask said.
'Data' and 'Date'
I found an awkward bug in this diary ejs engine: the header, which should be auto generated, spell the word 'date' to 'data'.
I already fix the generator engine, but this mistake has been made in all my blogs, how to fix that?
If you want to fix them in vim, it is very simple, just do 6 steps:
vim *.md #read all the md files qa # record a micro called 'a' :1,5s/data/date/g # micro 'a': substitute 'data' to 'date' in the 1~5 lines q # stop recording micro 'a' :argdo normal @a # do the micro 'a' to all the md file in the buffer :qa # close all
Them 300+ md files will be automatically fixed.
After that just redeploy them in my website.
But if you want to fix them in the second backup platform (which is douban) , emmmm it seems quite impossible, so I just leave them and do nothing.
title: 2021-01-14 toc: true date: 2021-01-14 23:00:00 tags: diary
Don't sleep too much at noon, or you will get a dreamy night.
I won't describe the exact content of my dream, it is terrible and full of the fear in real life.
Godfrey Harold's book
Galois died at twenty-one, Abel at twenty-seven, Ramanujan at thirty-three, Rie-mann at forty. There have been men who have done great work a good deal later,Gauss's great memoir on differential geometry was published when he was fifty(though he had had the fundamental ideas ten years before). I do not know an in-stance of a major mathematical advance initiated by a man past fifty. If a man of ma-ture age loses interest in and abandons mathematics , the loss is not likely to be very serious either for mathematics or for himself.
Hhh, Every career has its age crisis, not only programmer.
The final meal
It's a buffet, can't eat anything in the end.
title: 2021-01-15 toc: true date: 2021-01-15 23:00:00 tags: diary
Tied up and hung by relatives to learn ( forcibly ) analytic geometry.
Woke up and find out my arm pressed against the quilt.
Well...I've heard of OnlyFans before, just by chance, it is from a New York's illustration which looks from hell, I promise that you'll throw up everything you've eaten this year after watching it.
Back to this article, I felt very uncomfortable at the first glance... Why did they put those girls' pictures in the article? Isn't that an invasion of privacy?
You know, if you want to prove your point in the article: competition on the site means many won’t earn much. You should choose two ladies who are equally qualified and whose benefits are very different rather than...this:
I don't want to judge the appearance of the two ladies and how this relates to their earnings. ( In the atmosphere of today's political correctness, it seems that advocating 'classical aesthetics' should been labeled with all sorts of malice by feminists ) But in this article, the comparison is improper in itself, unless you don't use pictures.
As the article described, this is an 'online sex work' , and thankfully it seems that the human aesthetic in the porn industry is not that 'advanced'.
And in the end of the article:
“I’m a mom of three kids. I never thought anyone would pay to see me naked,” said Ms. Hall, 27. “It’s been a confidence boost.”
She has made about $700 so far — not enough to change her life, but enough to make the holidays special.
“This is the first year I didn’t have to choose between the electric bill and Christmas presents for my kids,” she said. “This is the first year I’ve been able to do it all by myself.”
WTF ? Even though I'm strongly against things like '核心价值观' and all like that, but I think NYT is setting up a very bad value orientation.
Such things like OnlyFans or soft-core live show should always be remembered as a sign of the decay of human civilization. We should never rationalize them, but NYT, in the entire article, acts as if this was just another profession which I really can't take on that.
I believe Li Zhi's frankness is comparable to Rousseau's.
Unfortunately the article is almost purely focus on sexual stuff and is too long to be read. If you are a sexual conservative and happened to be one of his fans, you may feel a bit of uncomfortable.
To be clear, pop music and rock have always been associated with promiscuity and drug use, people who came from 60's know that well. So I don't feel uncomfortable about it.
I backed it up in my blog: https://gaochengzhi.github.io/Collection/%E6%9D%8E%E5%BF%97%E8%87%AA%E4%BC%A0/
title: 2021-01-16 toc: true date: 2021-01-16 23:00:00 tags: diary
Leaving school
But I won't go back home directly, I have to finish my driving license exam at 19th at first.
Family Issue
Why people are fond of smushing their own life?
It really reminds me of my childhood: when I was in primary school, there are always some assholes in my class whose whole day's enjoyment is to bully you, or schoolyard bullying, in the fashionable parlance.
Unfortunately, I was kind of gentle ( or in a dirty word: pussy ) in the class. Naturally, after several try, I became one of their prime target of bullying.
Basically they just steal your things like: schoolbag, pencil case, etc and then run all over the classroom, sometimes they join together to beat you, but not in a desperate way.
I know how they feel, they want your attention, and there's something satisfying them when seeing you infuriated but helpless.
So I finally solved that problem by just don't do anything, like an eminent monk. So they soon felt boring about everything and stopped.
title: 2021-01-17 toc: true date: 2021-01-17 23:00:00 tags: diary
const T、const T*、T *const、const T&、const T*&
Pointer is evil!
It is really a bad idea to learn Data Structure using c++, you will soon be overwhelmed by tons of features about the language itself, and they are rapidly changing as the new standard of cpp11/14/17/20 comes out!
When I learned Data Structure using C two years ago, we mainly focus on the concept things. C is really simple and clear, we don't have too much fancy tricks to implement our ideas.
Unfortunately, the textbook we were using ( and what almost all the students in mainland were using, yes it is ) at that time is really shit ( in some sense, it is even 'wrong', or at least can't be considered as a good practice ), we rarely learned anything.
増田 彩来@sara_photo_912
Why all the Japanese photographer shoot the same thing? Same color usually...
title: 2021-01-18 toc: true date: 2021-01-18 23:00:00 tags: diary
I put a lot of effort to persuade my parents ( especially my mom ) not to use TikTok these years, but this time when I back home, I was desperate to find that all the apps now have TikTok-like vertical video streams...
My mom uses 小红书, and my dad watching them directly inside QQ.
Apparently, these e-opiums take up almost all of their time and are spreading prejudice, ignorance and superstition.
Of course, It is their right to spend their time in any legal form and I shall not intervene them as long as things don't go too bad.
I didn't know that '冰山' will only cost ¥15 with single espresso on your own cups.
( This is Chocolate Frappuccino, I don't like drinking coffee indeed )
I was planning to enjoy it in shop, but it was too noisy there.
It is impossible to enjoy silence in any restaurant in China.
He is so cute...
So true...
Even today, low shutter speed is still a problem.
title: 2021-01-21 toc: true date: 2021-01-21 23:00:00 tags: diary
Middle school, rehearsing an opera, I remember that was an Russia opera which contains a lot of complex variations and extremely steep high-bass shifts.
I can only handle the bass one and made the whole show completely a mess.
It is very disgusting dream, sort of like 园子温's film, full of blood ( anatomically ) violence and sex.
I will not describe the details, this will definitely make you spit out all the meals you have eaten for the whole year.
How disgusting was it? In the end, in order to end this tragedy and protect more people, I even pulled off my dick from my body, just like pulling off a mushroom from the ground.
Vegetable market
So many years have passed, the sanitary condition of the vegetable market has not changed even a little.
Still full of dust ( vegetable area ) and blood ( meat area ).
Two old ladies swearing at each other and the situation will very soon escalate into a minor brawl, but no one came to stop them.
I can't imagine how those elegant and gracious young ladies will see these, maybe they will only buy food in the supermarket.
Trump seems really like this song, which he chose this as the last song when he leaves.
And what is this dress about?
Aunt : "你也要动动,锻炼锻炼,我们行这星期一个猝死,67年的,还一个昨天送120,差点没回来,才34岁,小孩才4岁!"
Aunt : "然后我就立马发短信给王XX(她老公):你要是在那个巢湖小破(—破音—)行干猝死了,那就是天大的笑话!"
Really good!
Night shoot:
Zoom in:
Can't imagine it shot by a pocket camera which is only the size of a packet of cigarette!--- title: 2021-01-22 toc: true date: 2021-01-22 23:00:00 tags: diary
Back to school to finish the unfinished exam paper. This time I voluntarily did so because I think I can and should take that responsibility.
Actually, we are developing a ray tracing render that projects the virtual things to the reality. On our first released version. The scene doesn't seem very 'HD'. But due to the fantastic work we have done on the light and shallow part, if you take off your glasses, you can hardly tell a difference between the reality and virtual reality.
This ray tracing render is used for many purposes, and one of them is to train the soldier. So we demonstrated several task such as "手撕坦克" and “枪打飞机”.
Since all the objects are fake, that should be pretty easy, you just run after a tank and throw a grenade ( also fake ) in it.
I walked around the river with my one of friends. Half of the trees and grass are virtual reality. I took off my glasses and said: Well it has achieved to a certain level that most people won't realize the difference, but I can, I know these grass and trees are fake, because it is winter, in this season, they should not be so green...
Coc-Action && Coc-Search
OMG, this is so awesome!
But this seems to be consuming all my keyboard mappings.
title: 2021-01-23 toc: true date: 2021-01-23 23:00:00 tags: diary
OMG! Fuck!
I strongly advise all you guys who are using UNIX/Linux machines to install this, this definitely saved my disk's life!
It seems that the VSCode will never ever clean up your cached ( What ever kind ), I can even find the one I used two years ago (When I was writing java! ) and it is using up to 1.5 GB now!
Why so many Indian?
I searching some CA courses.
8/10 UK Professors sound like "咖喱", another 2/10 are Russian.
Maybe Indian English will be the standard English accents in the future.
OMG I find this: Pie chart of origin of Canadian immigrants.
I should have known this...
title: 2021-01-24 toc: true date: 2021-01-24 23:00:00 tags: diary
Baudouin's weeding
Using ncdm, I found TexLive has 2.7GB docs about everything in every packages, including how to draw pigs and kangaroos in the LaTeX...
Who will have such patience to read all these...
Delete them all.
--- title: 2021-01-25 toc: true date: 2021-01-25 23:00:00 tags: diary
“这两天XX公司的司机在搞 strike,他们 strike 我们也有好处,可惜没人组织我们去!”
“不会的,以前只有几家的时候好串联,现在太零散了,还有就是有些人讲好说要去,到时候他等你们都 strike 了他自己多跑几单。”
早上考完科目四,拿驾照之前要强制观看一个半小时的安全教育视频,视频内容很……用对岸的话语体系来说就是各种红脖违规驾驶造成惨痛的交通事故,( 其实小布尔乔亚的驾驶习惯也不咋地,细心观察的话其实违规驾驶很普遍,但是这种……就喜欢拿红脖做例子 )感觉很歧视红脖。
那现在呢?**还敢在晚上开车吗?**身边随便一个车都有可能是“为了养活一家三口从早上7点开到天黑现在还憋着尿”的网约车司机,你能对他有什么 judge ? 他们连自己什么时候上班,要拉哪里的客都不能决定,流水公司交了一半,还要交平台的抽成。
- 考科目四迟到(结果真迟到了!)而且没带身份证!
- 神奇四侠(在下是核弹侠)到龙门客栈(?)讨伐祸害一方的四个小混混。
回常州之后得知老房子已经卖掉了,新房子是老爷子心心念念的梦想退休计划,从某种程度上算得上是曹大佐所说的 “大 House” 了吧(笑)
- 地暖这玩意没他们吹的那么好,我老感觉脖子烧得难受,明明一点暖风也没有。
- 索尼电视,你的软件能做得再差一点吗?连投屏都要第三方应用,不过索尼菜单一向不行,相机也是这样,选项又多又杂。
- 所有的灯都极为糟糕,难受。
- 本地ISP 就是不行,换了网络和路由器也没用。
title: 2021-01-26 toc: true date: 2021-01-26 23:00:00 tags: diary
Family talk
Me :“她妈妈不就是从小把她打得死去活来的,也没一步放松了啊?”
(事后想想觉得后怕,正常人的反应难道不是:“坚决不能让小孩以后过‘一步不能放松’的生活吗?” Since it harmed all of us)
Domestic Emotional Abuse
God! I want to back school!
It harms me every seconds!
Joke: What is the best balance between privacy and surveillance? Glass door!
There is a problem that the entire extension includes a lot of go executable files ( of course ) which can not be simply move and copy from one system to another system ( they need a custom makefile to recompile them at local env ) and ultimately makes the whole backup system crashed.
Well the simplest solution is ...not to write go in vim ( or use it without any completion and check just like those masters did ), but...
Well, the basic English writing indenting is five spaces or a Tab, but since Tab is such a complex system which might be set to different value on different environment...
title: 2021-01-27 toc: true date: 2021-01-27 23:00:00 tags: diary
Relearning Math ( in fact for the first time )
Most people say :" if you don't do math in the future, you'd better read Advanced Mathematics instead of Analysis "
( from 同济 高数 6th )
When I first saw this, I think it is obviously wrong ( But in fact, not ), because there is something called "complex variables functions" which its domain is not necessarily be one of R's subsets...
Ok, so what is a function? In wiki, it says briefly :
"In mathematics, a function[note 1] is a binary relation between two sets that associates every element of the first set to exactly one element of the second set."
Or in a formally form:
"Formally, a function f from a set X to a set Y is defined by a set G of ordered pairs (x, y) such that x ∈ X, y ∈ Y, and every element of X is the first component of exactly one ordered pair in G.[6][note 3] In other words, for every x in X, there is exactly one element y such that the ordered pair (x, y) belongs to the set of pairs defining the function f. The set G is called the graph of the function."
Which means it doesn't even necessarily be limited to the numbers.
In fact, in most cases, function is maps, but:
Some authors, such as Serge Lang,[26] use "function" only to refer to maps for which the codomain is a subset of the real or complex numbers, and use the term mapping for more general functions.
But all these above have NOTHING to do with its correctness.
In fact, the book is playing a language game:
It says
"【某种形式】是【定义在D上的函数】" like 【African American】 is 【part of American】
which doesn't means
"【某种形式】是【函数】" (【African American】 is 【American】 )
“【函数】是【某种形式】”(【 American】 is 【African American】 )
It only explains 【某种形式】rather than 【函数】,It is giving the definition of 【某种形式】!
But anyway, it is inappropriate to be like this...
But, if you turn over the page, it says:
Emm, there is only one explain in it
: "函数" is not refer to "function"
title: 2021-01-28 toc: true date: 2021-01-28 23:00:00 tags: diary
Sick ( physically )
Nothings to record today.
title: 2021-01-29 toc: true date: 2021-01-29 23:00:00 tags: diary
I was the son of 李de胜!
I came to Beijing to have some fun, some marshals wanted to kill me because they thought it is not a good thing to...
In fact, this event goes far beyond the simple duality of autocracy and freedom.
For example, if the Ministry of Foreign Investment of China puts our pension insurance funds in this to seek profit. And what people are doing will ultimate make it bankrupt, should we stop?
In fact, I knew a long time ago that these financial derivatives are highly bound together. If the risk-protect mechanism fails, it will cause a black swan event and the entire economy will collapse.
Third-party dictionary for Smart 2
Well, in theory its instructions do allow you to import some third-party dictionaries as an alternative, but in practice, in viewing that the unfixable inconsistency of its encode API, it seems that the promise is a completely unrealistic delusion.
All the third party dictionaries, despite successfully imported, encountered either encoding problems or indexing problems, making the whole system slow and crappy.
北京小学生真的可以学这个吗???感觉好难!--- title: 2021-01-30 toc: true date: 2021-01-30 23:00:00 tags: diary
Dash in vim
这有啥用啊,官方这也太懒了吧,它做的唯一一件事就是帮你拷贝了一个字符串。我还以为能实现终端内查询呢,不过想想也不太可能,Dash 文档都是HTML的。
Python 和go 的文档写的真好,结构层次清晰明了,cpp 迟早把自己玩死,随便查一个简单定义文档写得像编年史一样,详细介绍了五个版本时期不同的用法和设计演化,娓娓道来,搞得你头晕目眩。
title: 2021-01-31 toc: true date: 2021-01-31 23:00:00 tags: diary
Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach 7th Edition
222页,DHCP 少写了一个 Protocol。
title: 2021-01-19 toc: true date: 2021-01-19 23:00:00 tags: diary
Driving License Exam
Passed perfectly!
But unfortunately I have to wait until next Monday to finish the final exam.
There is a lady sitting beside me which is very elegant and glamorous was reading Marquez's 《霍乱时期的爱情》
I feel shamed of myself.
I decide to get up early and do exercise from tomorrow.
If you pay enough money, actually you can buy privacy.
一群穷孩子的人生实验 https://gaochengzhi.github.io/Collection/%E4%B8%80%E7%BE%A4%E7%A9%B7%E5%AD%A9%E5%AD%90%E7%9A%84%E4%BA%BA%E7%94%9F%E5%AE%9E%E9%AA%8C/
So sad, this article basically says learning how to be a real human is useless here.
title: 2021-01-20 toc: true date: 2021-01-20 23:00:00 tags: diary
is a rather elaborate ‘pigeonhole’
If you get up early enough, you could even have a chance to get free stuffed bun.
Finally! Some one developed i3wm ( Not really ) on Mac!
It was very buggy right now and its version is 0.15.4, but it is decent enough to be a tight windows manager.
Next step is some one find a way to eliminate a title bar.
Well it really surprises me, because the conventional story was that if a girl cried after making sex, emm that is basically because she felt too good and shocked.
But it seems that the true fact is completely the opposite...
I was (re)learning C standard library and taking some notes to the paper.
My parents saw me and asked "~" with a mocking tone.
Emm, despite it really annoyed me, but in some sense it is actually true.
For example, if you are learning a new language, before you know how to write every words you have known. You probably have written them in someplace. That is to say, in order to learn a new language, you probably have to write down all its word lists, for several times!
My aunt's dream
A : "我昨晚做了个梦,一直在洗衣服,累得想死!洗了一晚上,也没人帮我,气死我了!"
Me: "你平时不是用洗衣机吗?"
A : "谁知道呢?我来上网查查周公解梦~"