export CC=/home/ujs/UnrealEngine_4.26/Engine/Extras/ThirdPartyNotUE/SDKs/HostLinux/Linux_x64/v17_clang-10.0.1-centos7/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/clang
export CXX=/home/ujs/UnrealEngine_4.26/Engine/Extras/ThirdPartyNotUE/SDKs/HostLinux/Linux_x64/v17_clang-10.0.1-centos7/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/clang++
Have network and diskplay
docker run -it --network = host -e DISPLAY = :1 --privileged --gpus all --cpus = 0 --memory = 0 af987c2f46b5
OSM to xodr
osmfilter map.osm --keep="highway=" -o=highways.osm
import carla
import random
import time
import os
client = carla . Client ( "localhost" , 2000 )
client . set_timeout ( 19.0 )
world = client . get_world ( )
current_path = os . path . dirname ( "." )
def load_customized_world ( xodr_path , client ) :
Load .xodr file and return the carla world object
xodr_path : str
path to the xodr file
client : carla.client
The created CARLA simulation client.
if os . path . exists ( xodr_path ) :
with open ( xodr_path ) as od_file :
try :
data = od_file . read ( )
except OSError :
print ( "file could not be readed." )
sys . exit ( )
print ( "load opendrive map %r." % os . path . basename ( xodr_path ) )
vertex_distance = 2.0 # in meters
max_road_length = 500.0 # in meters
wall_height = 3.0 # in meters
extra_width = 0.6 # in meters
world = client . generate_opendrive_world (
data ,
carla . OpendriveGenerationParameters (
vertex_distance = vertex_distance ,
max_road_length = max_road_length ,
wall_height = wall_height ,
additional_width = extra_width ,
smooth_junctions = False ,
enable_mesh_visibility = True ,
) ,
return world
else :
print ( "file not found." )
return None
xodr_path = "/home/ujs/mycode/carla_plexe/assets/freeway/map_package/IHP_map.xodr"
world = load_customized_world ( xodr_path , client )
map = world . get_map ( )
route = map . get_topology ( )
waypoints = map . generate_waypoints ( 18 )
for spawn_point in waypoints :
world . debug . draw_point ( spawn_point . transform . location + carla . Location ( z = 0.5 ) , size = 0.1 , color = carla . Color ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) , life_time = 30.0 , persistent_lines = True )
for waypoint in waypoints :
location = waypoint . transform . location
text_location = carla . Location ( location . x , location . y , 2 ) # Set z = 2 meters
text = f'( { location . x : .2f } , { location . y : .2f } , { location . z : .2f } )'
world . debug . draw_string ( text_location , text , draw_shadow = False , color = carla . Color ( r = 0 , g = 255 , b = 0 ) , life_time = 30.0 , persistent_lines = True )
def filter_waypoints ( waypoints , minX , maxX , minY , maxY , minZ = - 10 , maxZ = 10 ) :
Filter Carla waypoints based on specified X, Y, Z coordinate ranges.
waypoints (list): List of Carla waypoints to be filtered.
minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ (float): Coordinate range for filtering.
list: Filtered list of waypoints.
filtered_waypoints = [ ]
for wp in waypoints :
loc = wp . transform . location
if minX <= loc . x <= maxX and minY <= loc . y <= maxY and minZ <= loc . z <= maxZ :
filtered_waypoints . append ( wp )
return filtered_waypoints
## x: from -1250 to -1100 y: from 0 to -10
freewaySpawnPoints = filter_waypoints ( waypoints , - 1200 , - 1100 , 6 , 10 )
for waypoint in freewaySpawnPoints :
location = waypoint . transform . location
text_location = carla . Location ( location . x , location . y , 2 ) # Set z = 2 meters
text = f'( { location . x : .2f } , { location . y : .2f } , { location . z : .2f } )'
world . debug . draw_string ( text_location , text , draw_shadow = False , color = carla . Color ( r = 0 , g = 255 , b = 0 ) , life_time = 30.0 , persistent_lines = True )
def spawn_vehicles_on_points ( client , vehicle_type , spawn_points ) :
world = client . get_world ( )
blueprint_library = world . get_blueprint_library ( )
vehicle_bp = blueprint_library . find ( vehicle_type )
spawned_vehicles = [ ]
for spawn_point in spawn_points :
spawn_point_location = spawn_point . transform . location
spawn_point_location . z += 1
try :
vehicle = world . spawn_actor ( vehicle_bp , carla . Transform ( spawn_point_location , spawn_point . transform . rotation ) )
if vehicle is not None :
spawned_vehicles . append ( vehicle )
except RuntimeError as e :
print ( f"Failed to spawn vehicle: { e } " )
return spawned_vehicles
def apply_throttle_to_vehicles ( vehicles ) :
for vehicle in vehicles :
vehicle . apply_control ( carla . VehicleControl ( throttle = 1.0 ) )
vehicles = spawn_vehicles_on_points ( client , "vehicle.mitsubishi.fusorosa" , freewaySpawnPoints )
while True :
apply_throttle_to_vehicles ( vehicles )
def destroy_all_vehicles ( world ) :
for actor in world . get_actors ( ) :
if actor . type_id . startswith ( 'vehicle.' ) :
actor . destroy ( )
destroy_all_vehicles ( world )
def trace_route ( point_a , point_b )
map = world . get_map ( )
route = map . get_topology ( )
# Create a NetworkX graph
G = nx . Graph ( )
for edge in route :
wp1 , wp2 = edge [ 0 ] . transform . location , edge [ 1 ] . transform . location
wp1_key = ( wp1 . x , wp1 . y , wp1 . z )
wp2_key = ( wp2 . x , wp2 . y , wp2 . z )
# Add edges to the graph
G . add_edge ( wp1_key , wp2_key ) # Add weight if needed
# Define your start and end waypoints
start_location = carla . Location ( x = . . . , y = . . . , z = . . . ) # Replace with actual coordinates
end_location = carla . Location ( x = . . . , y = . . . , z = . . . )
start_key = ( start_location . x , start_location . y , start_location . z )
end_key = ( end_location . x , end_location . y , end_location . z )
# Find the shortest path
shortest_path = nx . shortest_path ( G , source = start_key , target = end_key )
0.9.5: 20190404_c7b464a
0.9.6: 20190710_0097e66
0.9.7: 20191221_c88604b
0.9.8: 20200306_06b6cb1
0.9.9: 20200422_ea5179a
0.9.10: 20200925_88f9ceb
0.9.11: 20201222_232b876
0.9.12: 20210730_564bcdc
0.9.13: 20211112_d5cfa12
{'LV': -1, 'FV': -1, 'RV': 1}
WARNING: Version mismatch detected: You are trying to connect to a simulator that might be incompatible with this API
WARNING: Client API version = 0.9.15
WARNING: Simulator API version = 0.9.15-dirty
{'LV': 0, 'FV': 0, 'RV': 2}
WARNING: Version mismatch detected: You are trying to connect to a simulator that might be incompatible with this API
WARNING: Client API version = 0.9.15
WARNING: Simulator API version = 0.9.15-dirty
{'LV': 0, 'FV': 1, 'RV': -1}
在本文提出的异步一致性协议中,每辆车 i 在离散的更新时刻 t k i t_k^i t k i 接收其邻居车辆的位置信息,并根据接收到的信息更新自身的控制输入。具体而言,车辆 i 在区间 [ t k i , t k + 1 i ) [t_k^i, t_{k+1}^i) [ t k i , t k + 1 i ) 内的控制输入为:
u i ( t ) = { ς i ∑ j ∈ N i ( t k i ) a i j ( t k i ) ∑ j ∈ N i ( t k i ) a i j ( t k i ) ( s j ( t k i − τ i j k ) − s i ( t ) + ( t − t k i + τ i j k ) v 0 + d i j ) − 3 ς i ( v i ( t ) − v 0 ) − ( 3 ς i − 1 ) a i ( t ) , i f N i ( t k i ) ≠ ∅ ς i ( s i ( t k i ) − s i ( t ) + ( t − t k i ) v 0 ) − 3 ς i ( v i ( t ) − v 0 ) − ( 3 ς i − 1 ) a i ( t ) , o t h e r w i s e u_i(t)=\begin{cases}
\varsigma_i \sum_{j\in N_i(t_k^i)} \frac{a_{ij}(t_k^i)}{\sum_{j\in N_i(t_k^i)} a_{ij}(t_k^i)} \big(s_j(t_k^i-\tau_{ij}^k)-s_i(t)+(t-t_k^i+\tau_{ij}^k)v_0+d_{ij}\big) \\
-3\varsigma_i(v_i(t)-v_0) - (3\varsigma_i-1)a_i(t),\quad \mathrm{if}~N_i(t_k^i) \neq \emptyset\\
\end{cases} u i ( t ) = ⎩ ⎨ ⎧ ς i ∑ j ∈ N i ( t k i ) ∑ j ∈ N i ( t k i ) a ij ( t k i ) a ij ( t k i ) ( s j ( t k i − τ ij k ) − s i ( t ) + ( t − t k i + τ ij k ) v 0 + d ij ) − 3 ς i ( v i ( t ) − v 0 ) − ( 3 ς i − 1 ) a i ( t ) , if N i ( t k i ) = ∅ ς i ( s i ( t k i ) − s i ( t ) + ( t − t k i ) v 0 ) − 3 ς i ( v i ( t ) − v 0 ) − ( 3 ς i − 1 ) a i ( t ) , otherwise
其中 s i ( t ) s_i(t) s i ( t ) , v i ( t ) v_i(t) v i ( t ) , a i ( t ) a_i(t) a i ( t ) 分别表示车辆 i 在 t 时刻的位置、速度和加速度,v 0 v_0 v 0 为参考速度,d i j d_{ij} d ij 为车辆 i 和 j 之间的期望车间距,N i ( t k i ) N_i(t_k^i) N i ( t k i ) 表示车辆 i 在 t k i t_k^i t k i 时刻接收到信息的邻居车辆集合,a i j ( t k i ) a_{ij}(t_k^i) a ij ( t k i ) 为邻接矩阵的元素,τ i j k \tau_{ij}^k τ ij k 为车辆 j 到车辆 i 的通信时延。
每辆车的更新时间 t k i t_k^i t k i 是独立的,由自己的时钟决定,不要求与其他车辆同步。
邻居车辆的位置信息是在 t k i − τ i j k t_k^i-\tau_{ij}^k t k i − τ ij k 时刻的,带有时间戳,用于补偿通信延迟导致的信息不一致。
u_i = k_v(\dot{x}_{i-1} - \dot{x}_i) + k_s[r(t) - r_d(t)]
u i u_i u i 是车辆 i 的控制输入
k v k_v k v 是车辆 i 和前车车速差的增益
x ˙ i \dot{x}_i x ˙ i 是车辆 i 的速度
k s k_s k s 是车辆 i 与期望值的距离差的增益
r ( t ) r(t) r ( t ) 是期望距离
r d ( t ) r_d(t) r d ( t ) 是理想期望距离
u_i = k_a \ddot{x}_{i-1}(t) + k_v (\dot{x}_{i-1} - \dot{x}_i) + k_s[r(t) - r_d(t)]
相比PF,该模型增加了前车加速度x ¨ i − 1 ( t ) \ddot{x}_{i-1}(t) x ¨ i − 1 ( t ) 的增益k a k_a k a 。
\dot{u}_i = -(1/h)u_i + (1/h)[k_s(x_{i-1}(t) - x_i(t) - L_i - hv_i(t) - D_i) + k_v(v_{i-1}(t) - v_i(t)) + (1/h)a_i(t)) + k_a(a_{i-1}(t) - a_i(t) - h\dot{a}_i(t))] + u_{i-1}
$h$ 是期望车距时间常数
$x_i$ 是车辆i的位置
$L_i$ 是车辆i的长度
$D_i$ 是车辆i与前车的期望距离常数
$v_i$ 是车辆i的速度
$a_i$ 是车辆i的加速度
$\dot{a}_i$ 是车辆i的加加速度
3. 前领车跟随(PLF):
u_i = c_{pi}[x_{i-1}(t) - x_i(t) - L] + c_{vi}[\dot{x}_{i-1}(t) - \dot{x}_i(t)] + c_{ai}[\ddot{x}_{i-1}(t) - \ddot{x}_i(t)] + k_{vi}[v_l(t) - v_i(t)] + k_{ai}[a_l(t) - a_i(t)]
$c_{pi}$, $c_{vi}$, $c_{ai}$ 是前车与车辆i的位置、速度、加速度差的增益
$v_l(t)$, $a_l(t)$ 是领车的速度和加速度
$k_{vi}$, $k_{ai}$ 是车辆i与领车的速度差和加速度差的增益
4. 双向跟随(BD):
u_i = -k_{fs}(x_i - x_{i-1} + D_{i-1,i} + L_{i-1}) - k_{fv}(\dot{x}_i - \dot{x}_{i-1}) - k_{bs}(x_i - x_{i+1} - D_{i,i+1} - L_i) - k_{bv}(\dot{x}_i - \dot{x}_{i+1})
$k_{fs}$, $k_{fv}$ 是车辆i与前车位置差和速度差的增益
$k_{bs}$, $k_{bv}$ 是车辆i与后车位置差和速度差的增益
$D_{i-1,i}$, $D_{i,i+1}$ 是与前车、后车的期望距离常数
5. 双向跟随并获取前后车加速度(BD+):
u_i(t) = k_v[v_{i-1}(t) - 2v_i(t) + v_{i+1}(t)] + k_s[x_{i-1}(t) - 2x_i(t) + x_{i+1}(t)] + k_a\dot{v}_i(t)
$k_a$ 是车辆i的加速度增益
6. 双向领车跟随(BDL):
u_i(t) = k_s(x_{i-1} - x_i - L_{i-1} - hv_0 - D) - k_s(x_i - x_{i+1} - L_i - hv_0 - D) + k_v(v_0 - v_i)
$v_0$ 是领车的速度
{'LV': {'speed': 17.001359939910976, 'acc': 0.7185040130390004, 'x': -979.921142578125, 'y': 7.499821662902832, 'yaw': 0.02223590388894081, 'state': 'acc'}, 'FV': {'speed': 17.001359939910976, 'acc': 0.7185040130390004, 'x': -979.921142578125, 'y': 7.499821662902832, 'yaw': 0.02223590388894081, 'state': 'acc'}, 'RV': {'speed': 13.396777161146963, 'acc': 0.9899248284625702, 'x': -1084.373046875, 'y': 7.499736309051514, 'yaw': 0.027028454467654228, 'state': 'cacc'}}
Here are the summaries of the PLF, BDL, and PF linear controller models from the table, along with corresponding car-following model classes in Python:
**PLF (Predecessor Leader Following)**
Linear controller model:
$$u_i = c_{pi}[x_{i-1}(t) - x_i(t) - L] + c_{vi}[\dot{x}_{i-1}(t) - \dot{x}_i(t)] + c_{ai}[\ddot{x}_{i-1}(t) - \ddot{x}_i(t)] + k_{vi}[v_l(t) - v_i(t)] + k_{ai}[a_l(t) - a_i(t)]$$
- $c_{pi}$: spacing error gain between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
- $c_{vi}$: velocity error gain between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
- $c_{ai}$: acceleration error gain between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
- $k_{vi}$: velocity error gain between the ego vehicle and the leading vehicle
- $k_{ai}$: acceleration error gain between the ego vehicle and the leading vehicle
- $L$: desired spacing
Python class:
class PLF_Controller:
def __init__(self, c_p, c_v, c_a, k_v, k_a, L):
self.c_p = c_p
self.c_v = c_v
self.c_a = c_a
self.k_v = k_v
self.k_a = k_a
self.L = L
def calc_speed(self, front_x, front_v, front_a, leader_v, leader_a, ego_x, ego_v, ego_a):
spacing_error = front_x - ego_x - self.L
velocity_error_front = front_v - ego_v
acceleration_error_front = front_a - ego_a
velocity_error_leader = leader_v - ego_v
acceleration_error_leader = leader_a - ego_a
u = self.c_p * spacing_error + self.c_v * velocity_error_front + self.c_a * acceleration_error_front \
+ self.k_v * velocity_error_leader + self.k_a * acceleration_error_leader
return u
**BDL (Bidirectional Leader)**
Linear controller model:
$$u_i(t) = k_s(x_{i-1} - x_i - L_{i-1} - hv_0 - D) - k_s(x_i - x_{i+1} - L_i - hv_0 - D) + k_v(v_0 - v_i)$$
- $k_s$: spacing error gain
- $k_v$: velocity error gain between the ego vehicle and the leading vehicle
- $L_i$: length of the ego vehicle
- $h$: time headway
- $v_0$: velocity of the leading vehicle
- $D$: desired spacing at standstill
Python class:
class BDL_Controller:
def __init__(self, k_s, k_v, L, h, v_0, D):
self.k_s = k_s
self.k_v = k_v
self.L = L
self.h = h
self.v_0 = v_0
self.D = D
def calc_speed(self, front_x, back_x, ego_x, ego_v):
spacing_error_front = front_x - ego_x - self.L - self.h * self.v_0 - self.D
spacing_error_back = ego_x - back_x - self.L - self.h * self.v_0 - self.D
velocity_error_leader = self.v_0 - ego_v
u = self.k_s * spacing_error_front - self.k_s * spacing_error_back + self.k_v * velocity_error_leader
return u
**PF (Predecessor Following)**
Linear controller model:
$$u_i = k_v(\dot{x}_{i-1} - \dot{x}_i) + k_s[r(t) - r_d(t)]$$
- $k_v$: velocity error gain between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
- $k_s$: spacing error gain
- $r(t)$: actual spacing
- $r_d(t)$: desired spacing
Python class:
class PF_Controller:
def __init__(self, k_v, k_s):
self.k_v = k_v
self.k_s = k_s
def calc_speed(self, front_v, ego_v, actual_spacing, desired_spacing):
velocity_error = front_v - ego_v
spacing_error = actual_spacing - desired_spacing
u = self.k_v * velocity_error + self.k_s * spacing_error
return u
These classes provide a basic structure for implementing the linear controller models for PLF, BDL, and PF topologies. The `calc_speed` method in each class calculates the control input `u` based on the respective controller model and input parameters.
Certainly! Here are the updated Python classes for PLF, BDL, and PF controllers with improved comments and parameter descriptions:
**PLF (Predecessor Leader Following)**
class PLF_Controller:
def __init__(self, c_p, c_v, c_a, k_v, k_a, L):
Initialize the PLF controller.
:param c_p: spacing error gain between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
:param c_v: velocity error gain between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
:param c_a: acceleration error gain between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
:param k_v: velocity error gain between the ego vehicle and the leading vehicle
:param k_a: acceleration error gain between the ego vehicle and the leading vehicle
:param L: desired spacing
self.c_p = c_p
self.c_v = c_v
self.c_a = c_a
self.k_v = k_v
self.k_a = k_a
self.L = L
def calc_speed(self, front_x, front_v, front_a, leader_v, leader_a, ego_x, ego_v, ego_a):
Calculate the control input for the PLF controller.
:param front_x: position of the preceding vehicle
:param front_v: velocity of the preceding vehicle
:param front_a: acceleration of the preceding vehicle
:param leader_v: velocity of the leading vehicle
:param leader_a: acceleration of the leading vehicle
:param ego_x: position of the ego vehicle
:param ego_v: velocity of the ego vehicle
:param ego_a: acceleration of the ego vehicle
:return: control input u
spacing_error = front_x - ego_x - self.L
velocity_error_front = front_v - ego_v
acceleration_error_front = front_a - ego_a
velocity_error_leader = leader_v - ego_v
acceleration_error_leader = leader_a - ego_a
u = self.c_p * spacing_error + self.c_v * velocity_error_front + self.c_a * acceleration_error_front \
+ self.k_v * velocity_error_leader + self.k_a * acceleration_error_leader
return u
**BDL (Bidirectional Leader)**
class BDL_Controller:
def __init__(self, k_s, k_v, L, h, v_0, D):
Initialize the BDL controller.
:param k_s: spacing error gain
:param k_v: velocity error gain between the ego vehicle and the leading vehicle
:param L: length of the ego vehicle
:param h: time headway
:param v_0: velocity of the leading vehicle
:param D: desired spacing at standstill
self.k_s = k_s
self.k_v = k_v
self.L = L
self.h = h
self.v_0 = v_0
self.D = D
def calc_speed(self, front_x, back_x, ego_x, ego_v):
Calculate the control input for the BDL controller.
:param front_x: position of the preceding vehicle
:param back_x: position of the following vehicle
:param ego_x: position of the ego vehicle
:param ego_v: velocity of the ego vehicle
:return: control input u
spacing_error_front = front_x - ego_x - self.L - self.h * self.v_0 - self.D
spacing_error_back = ego_x - back_x - self.L - self.h * self.v_0 - self.D
velocity_error_leader = self.v_0 - ego_v
u = self.k_s * spacing_error_front - self.k_s * spacing_error_back + self.k_v * velocity_error_leader
return u
**PF (Predecessor Following)**
class PF_Controller:
def __init__(self, k_v, k_s):
Initialize the PF controller.
:param k_v: velocity error gain between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
:param k_s: spacing error gain
self.k_v = k_v
self.k_s = k_s
def calc_speed(self, front_v, ego_v, actual_spacing, desired_spacing):
Calculate the control input for the PF controller.
:param front_v: velocity of the preceding vehicle
:param ego_v: velocity of the ego vehicle
:param actual_spacing: actual spacing between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
:param desired_spacing: desired spacing between the ego vehicle and the preceding vehicle
:return: control input u
velocity_error = front_v - ego_v
spacing_error = actual_spacing - desired_spacing
u = self.k_v * velocity_error + self.k_s * spacing_error
return u
In these updated classes, docstrings have been added to the `__init__` and `calc_speed` methods to provide clear descriptions of the parameters and their purposes. The comments explain the meaning of each parameter and the functionality of the methods.
These updated classes should provide a clearer understanding of the parameters and make it easier to use the PLF, BDL, and PF controllers in your code.
$$\begin{equation} \ddot{x}*{i}^{des} = (1-C_1)\ddot{x}*{i-1} + C_1\ddot{x}_l - (2\xi-C_1(\xi+\sqrt{\xi^2-1}))\omega_n\dot{\epsilon}_i - (\xi+\sqrt{\xi^2-1})\omega_nC_1(v_i-v_l) - \omega_n^2\epsilon_i \end{equation}$$
vehicle_info:{'width': 1.4593724012374878, 'length': 2.9320433139801025, 'height': 1.8906304836273193, 'mass': 8000.0, 'trailer_wdith': 1.250664234161377, 'trailer_length': 6.8448004722595215, 'trailer_height': 1.9110801219940186, 'trailer_mass': 1000.0}
len1 16.621644258499146
len2 19.553687572479248
复现和测试了 Vasilios 和 Segata 的CACC 控制模型,并与无延时预测的模型对比。